ChapmanCG News14 September 2023

Global HR Update Q3 2023

In this issue of the Global HR Update we share exclusive research from our long-term partner Mercer, which indicates that only 3% of companies surveyed feel confident in their ability to fully leverage the potential of Generative AI. In addition, we provide a starter kit on using ChatGPT for HR professionals who have yet to embark on their own AI journey. We have also packed this edition with Chief People Officer insights to inspire lateral career moves; and a piece on the challenges of competing for top talent in Africa. Finally, we examine the benefits of shifting from traditional hiring practices to unearthing hidden talent using a skills-based approach.

We hope you enjoy this edition of the ChapmanCG Global HR Update.

Global HR Outlook

In this Global HR Outlook, President and COO Stefanie Cross-Wilson looks at key themes for this quarter and into 2024 around the world. In addition to discussing ongoing market trends, she shares ChapmanCG’s view on the pressing subjects on the CHRO agenda.
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ChatGPT Starter Kit for HR Leaders

This clear, step-by-step guide to ChatGPT is “a must” for any HR leader beginning to explore AI. From writing position descriptions to developing recruiting strategies, we share real-life examples to demonstrate how ChatGPT can revolutionize HR and Talent practices.
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Generative AI Has Shown Us the Art of the Possible. Now What?

The latest research on Generative AI illustrates its potential to automate, augment and amplify HR as we know it. Mercer's Kate Bravery reveals the data behind the survey and how the early adopters are using this groundbreaking technology to work smarter, not harder.
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Don’t Just Look Up – Consider Lateral
Moves to Propel Your Career

In contemporary HR executive search, traditional career paths give way to sideways moves that drive innovation and versatility. Learn how diverse experiences within HR and beyond not only make you market-ready but also prepare you for impactful future roles.
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Unearthing Hidden Talent Through Skills-Based Talent Practices

High-profile companies are dropping conventional hiring norms and tapping into non-obvious talent through skills-based approaches. Fiona Jury discusses the benefits of this strategy in selecting, growing and nurturing talent to build future-ready, resilient organisations.
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Video Conversation:
Workplace Changes Across Africa

How do you balance global opportunities with local realities when international competitors offer remote work and foreign currency salaries? Vodafone Ghana’s HR Director Ashiokai Akrong shares how this leading organisation has found creative and affordable ways to attract local talent.
Watch here >

HR Opportunities

Europe, Middle East, Africa


Asia Pacific

Click here to view more HR opportunities